It's two days after the election and I'm still in a state of shock. Donald Trump is going to be the next President of the United States? How is that possible? What is wrong with people?
I had work the next day so I only stayed up until about 2:00 AM watching the returns. When I went to bed Trump was leading in Florida but the polls weren't closed yet. There were no other big surprises so I feel asleep feeling pretty confident.
The next morning I climbed out of bed at about 7:00 AM, turned on my computer, expecting to see news of Hillary's victory, and nearly fell out of my chair. I was literally shocked to my core.
Over the last few days I've read some great articles about the election, about Trump, and about the possible ramifications of his presidency. I think my own efforts to write something profound and intelligent would pale in comparison, so I'm going to turn -- as I often do in times of great stress -- to humor:
After reading the headlines I posted THIS to Facebook |
A few hours later the news really hit me in the gut, and I shared this [non-funny] comment:
There are SO MANY reasons to be terrified right now, but for the moment I'm most afraid for my Muslim and LGBTQ friends (and future family) back home.
I'm so glad it's raining in Paris today... because in the rain no one can tell if you're crying.
In retrospect that sounds overly dramatic, but I was pretty devastated.
In recent years I've been intrigued (and a little disturbed) by all the "our world is just a computer simulation" theories out there. Even Elon Musk has said, "There’s a billion to one chance we’re living in base reality." That got me thinking about the election and I posted this to Facebook:
The entity in charge of the simulation we probably live in must have gotten REALLY bored.
(Like when you get tired of playing "The Sims" so you start doing wackadoodle shit just to see what will happen.)
I shared some other posts I found online. This one really made me laugh:
This gave me my first post-election smile |
I was pretty proud of this Facebook post:
John McCain said something very similar after his election. (I probably saw it and forgot.) |
Reddit also had some great comments and humor. I thought this one was really clever:
It's going to be very easy for Trump to build his wall...
'Cuz people everywhere are shitting bricks right now."
I'll probably have more thoughts about all of this after it sinks in a little more...